
Documents Upload

This section is exclusively for our clients, for sending Digital forms and documents. Bellow this information you will have access to the modules for uploading and sending files.

The modules available for our policy holders are the following:

Specifications of use:

Digital Document format: If the form or document was not digital filled out, it is recommended to filled out the form with Script handwritting, print it and then scanned it in PDF format. Files in another format will no be accepted.

Additional Requirements: The forms must be duly completed with all the required information and signed as appropiate.


Once you select the file you want to send, when you clic "file upload", a small form will be shown, which we suggest you complete properly to facilitate your documents processing

  • Label (Identificador): escriba una pequeña descripción de su archivo, que permita identificar fácilmente a que se refiere.
  • Date (Fecha): la fecha de su envio.
  • Comments (Comentarios): toda explicación o comentario que crea sea necesario o conveniente tener en cuenta en relación a su solicitud.
  • Email: write your email correctly, to facilitate any immediate communication with you, related yo, or the files you have just sent.

For additional information contact us.

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