
RedPrime Care

Our International Health program offers protection to you and your family for unforeseen situations that insure expenses for medical care due to disease or accident, and has been structured to guarantee you a prompt service of high quality.


It has a variety of medical benefits covered at 100%, including hospitalization, intensive care, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy among others.


Maximum benefit per year per insured: US$ 6,000,000

Organ Transplants: US$ 1,000,000


Download Brochure (PDF) More Info

Nuestro programa de salud internacional le brinda a usted y a su familia protección ante imprevistos que generen gastos médicos por enfermedad o accidente, y ha sido estructurado para garantizarle un servicio oportuno y de calidad.


Cuenta con una gran variedad de beneficios médicos cubiertos al 100%, incluyendo hospitalización, cuidados intensivos, cirigías, radiaciones, quimioterapia entre otros.

El beneficio de maternidad de hasta US$ 7,000, y condiciones congénitas y perinatales de hasta US$ 1,000,000.


Cobertura máxima por año por asegurado: US$ 3,000,000

Tranplante de Órganos: US$ 600,000



This is a brief summary of the main benefits included in this insurance program. for more information about benefits, exclusions and limitations, please refer to the policy.


The Gold Plan offers free choice of hospitals throughout the world, and also has the USA Preferred Network.


Download Preferred Network (PDF)


or review directly on our page the USA Preferred Hospitals List.




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