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Our international health program gives you and your family protection against unforeseen events that generate medical expenses due to illness or accident, and has been structured to guarantee a timely and quality service.

The Select Inpatient Plan provides coverage for medical services for Intrahospital Hospitalization due to a severe illness or accident, or Intrahospital and Ambulatory Surgery in a hospital or surgical center.

It has a wide variety of medical benefits covered 100%, including hospitalization, intensive care, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, among others.
It has no Maternity benefits.

Maximum coverage per year per insured: US $ 1,000,000

Organ Transplant: US $ 250,000



This is a brief summary of the main benefits included in this insurance program. For more information about benefits, exclusions and limitations, you should refer to the policy text.
The Select Plan offers coverage for medical services for Hospitalization due to a serious illness or accident, or Intrahospital and Ambulatory Surgery in a hospital or surgical center.



The Select Plan offers free choice of hospitals, and has the USA Solutions Network Providers.


Download Solutions Network (PDF)


or review directly on our page the USA Solutions Network Hospitals list.



  • What to do on a medical event?, everything you need to know before a medical emergency, such as pre-certification, how to request a refund, who to contact, among others.

If you want to communicate with an authorized representative, help you choose the most suitable plan for you and your family: